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Fabric Nano

Creating a sustainable future,
powered by enzymes

Petrochemicals, present in industries from commodities to pharmaceuticals and key to plastic production, contribute to about 18% of CO2 emissions in the chemical sector, posing environmental risks. FabricNano offers a groundbreaking enzyme engineering approach to eradicate petrochemicals from manufacturing.

We crafted a brand solution to not only highlight this transformative impact but also clarify their innovative process.

With big dreams but no brand, we created a brand solution that encapsulates the team’s vision for a cleaner, brighter world. The logo ‘harnesses a cell’s potential at its core’ and the overall style and tone was created as a bold and refreshing alternative in a technical industry that is often more conservatively driven.

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Awards and accolades
‘We were hopeless without them and amazed at every turn. Their expertise is hugely valuable, their patience magnanimous and their design eye unparalleled. They captured us, our work and our vision perfectly.’
– Eliza Eddison, VP Operations, FabricNano

See the FabricNano website here

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The future should be seen, not just imagined
Create, activate and accelerate your brand
with Worldfirst.
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Brand Accelerator Program powered by Ascend studio